Meet Lindsay, owner of Lot801!
Hi Ladies! Raise your hands if you know how long it has been since I posted last? … yes, it’s true. It’s been 4 MONTHS. Post coming soon about losing sight of vision and pushing the important to the back burner to deal with the immediate of day to day business. [exhale] I have totally been consumed by the daily details of building Free Babes Handmade lately, and have not been intentional about pursuing where my heart lies in this space: interviews with creative entrepreneurs! I love getting to know the back stories of #girlbosses and opening up the conversation for all of us to be able to respond, ask questions and disappear the illusion or barrier between successful women and aspiring entrepreneurs!
So, I’m ecstatic to bring you this feature of Lindsay White, Owner and Creative behind Lot801. I’ve gotten to know Lindsay through the instagram network of business owners last year, and we are part of a virtual mastermind group together. I’m continuously inspired by her business savvy, and especially the strength of her mind! She is a go-getter and has no time for negativity and self-doubt. She just gets it done and it’s SUPER inspiring! She shares some amazing tips about networking with celebrities and influencers on instagram and gaining free press for your small business.
You can #pressplay on the Skype video interview below and listen while you work away, and read her written Q&A’s below! [Also, please ignore my “ums” at the beginning of this interview! yikes… sometimes it’s harder than others to get the magical flow going.. lol]
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Hey I’m Lindsay. Mother of one and wife to my awesome hubby of 5 years. I have a degree in Business with a minor in Graphic Design. I’m owner and designer of Lot801, a children’s brand for the unorthodox family. We strive to design unisex clothing that appeals to both the little punks and fashionable moms.
What did you do before Lot801? How did you decide to start your own business?
Before Lot801 I was a Project Manager for a company in the water filtration industry. After I had my daughter Allie, I decided I wanted a change. If I was going to work and be away from my little babe, I wanted to make it worth my while, I wanted to love what I did. When shopping for Allie I found that there were two distinct sections; a boys section and a girls section. The girls section was only pink and purple and shirts with “Princess” written all over them (with glitter) and the boys section was all blue and green with footballs and trucks. This was NOT my style at all. It’s very important to me to raise my daughter to decided what SHE liked, not what was already decided for her. Just because she’s a girl doesn’t mean she has to love princesses, baby dolls and play kitchens. This is when I decided to start Lot801 and make sure that all of our designs were unisex. Throwing gender stereo types out the window one outfit at a time. The decision to leave my job was NOT an easy one. I was making 6 figures and on the path to a very successful career, but none of that mattered any more after I found my true passion.
Can you give us a brief history of Lot801? How long have you been in business? What has your growth looked like? Can you tell us a story of some of the “unglamorous” moments just starting up?
I started Lot801 in March of 2014 and we’ve been growing like crazy! By April of this year, we had already exceeded sales that we did for the entire year of 2014. The first year of business I was the only seamstresses sewig for Lot801, I’ve been able to hire a few seamstresses so I no longer have to sew.
I’m Like Brave is about creating an uncommon life. What does an “uncommon life” you love look like for you? How does your business help create this ideal lifestyle?
An uncommon life to me is being able to have the freedom to do the things I love, when I want (for the most part). This can mean being able to leave the office early to go to a school event with my daughter, to take Wednesday off and have a mommy and me day, take a day off here and there to hang with the family or to travel. Are you getting the sense that I love hanging out with my family? Family is so important to me and I don’t want to look back in life and wish I had spent more time with them. Lot801 makes it possible for me to do this. Being my own boss.
Where did you find your mentors, or resources to help learn about entrepreneurship and running a successful business?
I found my mentor through Alt Summit, a conference for small businesses and bloggers to connect and learn from one another. Every conference they have a few very successful speakers that come and tell their story and want to connect with you. Long story, but I ended up being able to connect with the founder of one of my favorite brands and she agreed to be my mentor.
Can you tell a story about the biggest business “lesson” you have learned so far?
To be original. Don’t try to go with the trends or “what’s in” right now. Do what feels like you and what you genuinely love. I designed last years fall collection according to what was popular at the time and what I thought people would like, not what I liked. This collection didn’t do as well and it’s because it wasn’t genuine, it didn’t feel like Lot801. Never again!

How many people do you employ? What does the infrastructure of your business look like? Any advice on when or how to hire or outsource?
Currently it’s just me in the office and I’m looking for an assistant. I also have 3 seamstresses that work from home. When you no longer have time to do the things that help grow your business, that’s when you have no choice but to hire out in order to free you up for the things you’re good at.
How many hours per week do you work? How do you balance family life with work?
It differs week to week but on average I work about 25 hours a week (technically). Really, I probably work a ton more because my mind is always running with new ideas, how I can do something better or who I can collaborate with, etc. The most important thing for me to be able to balance work and family is to not to do everything at once. If I’m with my family, I’m 100% with them (for the most part, hey nobody’s perfect) and when I’m in the office, I’m a boss!
If you were to teach a college course on entrepreneurship, what would the course be titled? What is one lesson you would teach us?
How to get free PR, hands down. One lesson I would teach you right now is to never underestimate the power of social media. I have been able to connect with countless celebrities through social media which resulted in them posting photos of their little ones in Lot801 apparel.
What has been the most exciting thing to happen to your business so far? How did it happen?
Most exciting? I feel like there have been so many. The day Jessica Alba started following our page (she’s my favorite) and the day we were in The Huffington Post. When I started Lot801 I wrote down a list of goals and media outlets I wanted to be featured in, Huffington Post was at the top of that list and it took over a year to get it but I almost died when I did.
What’s holding you back from where you are now and your ultimate goals?
The only thing holding me back from my ultimate goals is ME. Feeling like I’m not ready yet.
What is it that you need help with right now in order to take your business to the next level?
Getting a bit more organized and getting a well oiled workflow going.
If you could sit down with any entrepreneur for a 2 hour lunch and pick their brain, who would it be and why? What would you ask them?
Jessica Alba. What she has done with The Honest Company is truly impressive and seeing her passion behind what it stands for keeps me driven. I would ask her when Lot801 and Honest could collaborate of a project together.
What advice would you give your “just starting a business” self knowing everything you know now?
STOP SEWING! Your time is so much better spent elsewhere. Get a seamstress tomorrow.
Jamie Tardy, podcaster at “The Eventual Millionaire” says millionaires share 2 habits: they all keep their own journals and they all have a morning ritual. What does your morning ritual ideally look like?
I need to get a better morning ritual but currently I get up and make my daughter breakfast, on my way to the kitchen I read all my goals I have all over the house, and let her watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse while she eats, this is when I get to catch up on some emails for the day. Then I usually do something with my daughter outdoors, walk to the park or ride bikes. Morning are mostly dedicated to my daughter, it’s not until nap time that I really get to work.
If you could do anything in the world, with no possibility of failure, what would it be?
Exactly what I’m doing now.
What’s been the best business book you’ve read?
E-Myth hands down.
What’s your favorite success quote and why?
Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.
Closing thoughts to other entrepreneurs or those on the verge of starting a business:
Have confidence. If you believe in what you’re doing, have the confidence that you can make it work. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t.
If I know anything about Lindsay, it’s that she is the queen of PR. She has started sharing her insights in a variety of free and paid courses, and has landed her product in VOGUE and Huffington Post! She is always up to something big. You can access her free training and also paid courses here.
Lindsey has generously offered a discount code for all of the I’m Like Brave readers. You can use FREE25 for 25% off all clothing items through January 21st. 🙂
Thanks for an amazing interview Megan! You can find Lindsay’s shop at and on instagram @lot801.
Be Brave!