Meet Rachel! Owner of Briar Handmade.

Ok.. I’m a little behind this week.  Please forgive me.  It’s the mad Easter bunny basket bow rush – Rachel knows exactly what I’m talking about because you better believe this Easter is going to be the year of the bonnet.

And then came a spur of the moment trip in our Safari van to South Dakota to do the Mt. Rushmore/Badlands tourist thing. (Post to come later!)

So… I’m so excited to introduce you to a lady who needs no introduction: Rachel Goode, owner of Briar Handmade!

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I was so excited to get to interview Rachel.  She not only produces such a beautiful line of handmade bonnets, but I really admire her marketing aesthetic and smart mind for growing her business through getting her product in the right hands of kid fashion influencers online.

Listen to Rachel’s introduction:

If you have any questions for Rachel, make sure to leave them below and I’ll connect you!

(OH, and we did an actual video interview, with Rachel looking all beautiful in her office, but unfortunately some major glitch happened and it recorded only the audio, and not the visual.  But, I know a lot of you listen to these late at night while sewing/crafting/working/whatelse? so I embedded the audio podcast version here!  (Podcast channel is coming soon….) Just press play!

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A little about Rachel:

Hi, I’m Rachel! I am the owner of Briar Handmade a great little bonnet company. I work at home, balancing a life running a business, caring for my two kids, and being a wife to my wonderful husband. I’m excited to give a little insight on my role as a small business owner and entrepreneur, and I hope you enjoy it!


What did you do before Briar Handmade? How did you decide to start your own business?

After getting my degree in Psychology and having a career in retail upper management, my husband and I made the decision for me to be a stay-at-home mom (not the original plan!) after my son was born five years ago. My grandma taught me to sew when I was child and I started sewing a lot more after having a baby.

I was chatting with my husband about doing something to contribute to the household income. I was throwing out all these crazy ideas, and he suggested that I do what I love and what I was good at, specifically the bonnets I made that people loved. I kind of shrugged it off, and then one day I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That’s when the fire started. I called him at work and told him my plan, and asked if I had his full support and blessing. He said absolutely, and that’s how it started. I knew that it was my passion when I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It started as a hobby, but having always felt the need to contribute financially to the family, I decided to turn it into a business.

Can you give us a brief history of Briar Handmade? How long have you been in business?

Briar Handmade started really organically the concept happened out of necessity, really. After my daughter was born a year and a half ago, I wanted a hat for her similar to the pilot caps that my son wore when he was a baby, but something more feminine. The closest thing I could find was a bonnet, but none of them I could find on the market suited my style. I wanted something more simple, without the frills. I started making them for my daughter and got compliments everywhere we went. Knowing that I wanted to contribute to the family, my husband suggested that I started selling them. I got my business license, established and LLC, and turned my concept and hobby into a business. That was about a year ago, and that’s how Briar Handmade began.

What has your growth looked like?

Well, when I first opened, I gave myself a sales goal to reach by the end of the year. I ended up reaching that goal within the first month and then fast forward to my winter launch, I hit that same number in 10 minutes. It’s grown much faster than anticipated.

What’s your big picture WHY? What motivates you to work hard and build your business?

Other than really liking the feeling of success, I believe in the potential of Briar Handmade and I love watching it grow. Being a mom doesn’t always give you instant gratification of the effort you put in, so I like having something I can see results with right away.


What is your ultimate lifestyle goal?

To spend every other month on Maui! Not really, but that’s one of our favorite places, so I think we dream of being able to pack up and go more than once every few years. Spend time with family in really great places is something we’d like to be able to do freely.

Where did you find your mentors, or resources to help learn about entrepreneurship and running a successful business?

Luckily, there are a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners (big and small) in both mine and my husband’s family. I was able to get advice on forming an LLC and other business related, legal information when I first opened. Now, some of my best resources are other shop owners that I’ve become friends with.

Can you tell a story of a specific failure you encountered while building Briar Handmade? What did you learn from it?

I recently had a photoshoot done for our Basics bonnet collection. I specifically planned with the photographers to take some portrait shots of me. Well, after all the bonnet shots were completed and after wrangling babies for an hour, we took my shots. I didn’t even look in a mirror, I was totally “sweaty” and my face was pretty flush. Not my best moment. It may seem a little vain, but these photos were something Iwanted on hand for business purposes, and due to my lack of attention to myself in that moment, they didn’t turn out great. So, next time, these shoots will happen separately.


What would you consider are your strengths as a business owner?

I think I am able to see well where my time if most effectively spent and what needs to be delegated, before things spiral and get out of hand.

Do you currently have 1099s or employees? Or are you a one woman show? If you have help, what advice do you have to give about scaling your business and outsourcing responsibilities through hiring to help grow? Do you have any advice on when to start scaling the business and hiring employees, bookkeeping… etc.

For a long time I did it all myself! As I’ve watched my business grow, I’ve strived to keep a balance, especially with two kids at home. Hiring outside help has helped tremendously. I currently have a full-time seamstress, a Director of Operations, a bookkeeper, and a housecleaner. Does a housecleaner count? I knew it was time to hire help when I wanted more from the business, but my time (or lack thereof) was disabling that from happening.

How many hours per week do you work? How do you balance family life with work?

I probably work 30-40 hours a week, more if you count quick responses to emails, messages, or social media posts. Most of my hours are worked during nap-time and at night after the kids are in bed. My studio is at home in a room with closed doors, so I try to have the doors closed all the time, especially when I’m not working. It helps provide a very clear boundary, both ways, for me and my family.

I’m Like Brave is about creating an uncommon life. What does an “uncommon life” you love look like for you? How does your business help create this ideal lifestyle?

Well, I think for most people it’s uncommon to run a successful business at home and also balance the joys of motherhood. I also think it’s uncommon to LOVE what you do. I really, really love what I do and it rarely feels like work.


What has been the most exciting thing to happen to your business so far?

Being featured on Oh Joy’s blog was pretty cool, especially when she was named one of Time Magazine’s Top 30 Most Influential People on the Internet.

What is your ultimate vision for your business in the coming year? Where do you see Briar Handmade in 5 years?

Oh this is a hard one! This year I’m really working on getting a good infrastructure in place so that we can grow. In five years, I’d love to have reached a million in sales, have an offsite studio, and of course, be the company that everyone thinks of when they hear the word “bonnet.” Tiny aspirations, really.

What’s holding you back from where you are now and your end game?

Time, I think.

What is it that you need help with right now, and if you could get free advice that would solve your problem right now, what would it be?

I could use a few more hours of sleep a night! No, but really, I’d love more advice on the best rate to grow and invest in the company. I actually paid myself much more when it was a hobby, but as I’ve started investing more in the company and I’m curious about the return, and what success looks like in terms of revenue down the line.

If you could sit down with any entrepreneur for a 2 hour lunch and pick their brain, who would it be and why?

Well, I feel like since it’s such a unique situation, it would definitely need to be a “mompreneur”. Susan from Freshly Picked has clearly gone down the road and so much could be gleaned from her. I’d also love to chat with Elle Rowley of Solly Baby. I love the way she’s grown her company and I’d love to pick her brain specifically about working with small manufacturers, fabric mills, and the infrastructure of her company.


Do you have a morning ritual or routine?

My husband usually brings me coffee in bed. I’m typically up much later than him, so I sleep until he goes to work.

What’s been the best business book you’ve read?

Haven’t read many, but readying The EMyth right now, and it’s fantastic so far! (Thanks for the recommendation, Hillary)

Your welcome!  Glad you like it, 🙂 What’s your favorite success quote and why?

Not sure who said it first, but I love the quote about shooting for the moon, because at least if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. I’ve always been one to aim high and am usually satisfied with the results. It’s OK to dream big.

Closing thoughts to other entrepreneurs or those on the verge of starting a business:

If you are wanting your business to grow, don’t be afraid to get help.  Set goals and enjoy it!  It’s fun and it’s a great experience to teach your children and watch them learn too. 🙂


It’s so awesome to see the behind the scenes of such an inspiring woman and company.  If you want to connect with Rachel, you can follow her on instagram here (@briarhandmade) and visit her site here.

Stay tuned for next week, when we interview Hollie with @two_els!

Happy Monday.

Be Brave,



Hi! I'm Hillary.
I'm an entrepreneur, mom,
wife, and creative. And I
want to create a life that
allows me the time and
freedom to adventure the
world and experience beauty
with my family.

"I'm like Brave" is about
listening to your heart and
finding the courage to create
an extraordinary life.

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