Meet Isabell, owner of Half Pint Kids!

I’m so excited to continue this Sunday tradition – hopefully hearing these stories of entrepreneurial Mamas pump you up as much as they do me.

I’m sure many of you know of her, but I’m so happy to be introducing Isabell from Half Pint Kids (@halfpintkids).  She owns the hippest shop, that not only opened a little over a year ago (under a different name), but made a huge transition from cute felt bows to children’s apparel in 2014.  If anyone knows about transitioning and growing a small business, it’s her!

If you have any questions for her, please leave them in the comments section below and we will make sure they are answered.

So without further ado, meet Isabell:

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetInterview with Isa from Half Pint Kids

A “hello” from Isabell:

“Hi!  I’m Isabell, owner of half Pint Kids!  I started my business venture a little bit over a year ago, and I can’t believe how much it has grown!  I’m so grateful for all my awesome customers and the sweet kids I get to see rocking our apparel.  I hope this interview can help answer some of the questions you may be having as you embark on your own journey.”

Hillary: What did you do before Half Pint Kids and how did you decide to start your own business?  How did you discover your passion?

Isa: Before Half Pint Kids, I was a pre-school teacher. I absolutely loved my job but never had the chance to pursue my dream of designing. After my daughter was born (and becoming a SAHM) my childhood passion resurfaced. I remember growing up I would watching my mom sew all kinds of things and be so inspired. I would hand stitch clothes for my Barbie dolls with her fabric scraps. So now, instead of bugging her to help me with piecing together these outfits, I was now creating clothes for my daughter. Seeing her wear something I created brought back the joy that I had as a kid. They say when you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life. I am now doing something I have always had a passion for.

I totally agree.  I’ve heard so many times when you love what you do, there is such a blurred line between work and play.


Can you give us a brief history of Half Pint Kids?  How long have you been in business?

Half Pint Kids officially launched February 2014. We will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary this month! Before the launch, I spent a few months making felt bows under the name Lil’Belle. It was a way to test the waters before diving right in and making children’s apparel. This month however we will be cutting the cord, so to speak, and discontinuing the bows. Moving forward to focus on children’s apparel.

No! I love those bows.  But seriously, there is tremendous value in focus – picking one thing and being amazing at it, versus doing a few things well.


I’m a huge fan of the podcast Entrepreneur on Fire, and he always starts with a failure story.  Can you tell us a story about your biggest business failure?  Looking back, why did it happen?  How did it make you feel?  What did you learn from it?


I like to think that I don’t have any big failures. Sure, some stuff doesn’t do so well and mess-ups happen along the way but I use it all as a learning experience. One thing I learned a lot from was when I first started with the bows. I gave a cute little children’s boutique a bunch of inventory on consignment. It was very exciting however being new to the industry I really didn’t know what to expect. Every time I went to collect payment and drop off new inventory she either “forgot her checkbook” or didn’t have enough cash in the register. I eventually got paid but it was frustrating. The shop owner ran her business very loosely so I should have expected it. I learned to go wholesale instead!

Noted. What’s a motto you live by?

My thought process is to put myself in my customers’ shoes. If I wouldn’t put it on my child, it’s not good enough for someone else’s.

Where do you find your mentors, or resources to help you as you grow your business?

I’ve was really lucky to have met a group of small shop owners on Instagram who were also just starting out. We helped guide each other along the way in a Facebook group. Whether it was a question about shipping, an opinion about a product idea or simply to vent about our cranky non-napping babe, someone had an answer!

That’s awesome!  That’s a similar concept I have in mind with this small business mentor group I’m putting together.  I think there is enough work for everyone out there who wants to work hard and passionately, and the quickest way to success it to just help each other out.

What is your WHY?  Why are you in business?  What is your ultimate lifestyle goal?

I’m living my ultimate goal, well, for the most part. We have a dream house in mind but it won’t happen on a single income family. Starting HPK allows me to stay home with my daughter while helping out financially.

What would you consider are your strengths as a business owner?

One of my strongest traits as a business owner is not being afraid to work with other small businesses – even competitors. I have collaborated with several small shops and plan to continue that this year. We all have the same goal in mind so why not help each other along the way.


Do you currently have help or do you do everything?  If you have help, what advice do you have to give about scaling your business or outsourcing responsibilities through hiring or piecework to help grow?

I am very lucky to have a supportive family, without them this would never be possible! My husband takes care of most of the back-end stuff that I can’t stand like accounting, website and pc support. Remember my answer to the first question? You didn’t think my mom would be getting off that easy! She is now helping me create for all your sweet fashion forward babes.  For anyone that is starting out, I highly recommend growing organically using the resources you have available to you. Friends and family love to see you succeed and will usually help out anyway possible.

How many hours a week do you work?  How do you balance work and home?

On a weekly average I would say I work about 30 hours, I only focus on Half Pint Kids when my daughter is napping or sleeping for the night.  Because my business operates out of our home, balancing family and work is very difficult.  The saying “don’t bring your work home” doesn’t exist. My first job is mom – when my daughter is awake she gets all of my attention.  Of course, there is always the exception when we go to the post office and she helps put the packages down the chute.

How do you stay motivated and where do you draw inspiration?

As cliché as it is, I am inspired by my daughter. I love watching her play, but want her to look cute. My vision was originally was to make stuff for my daughter that is both comfortable and stylish at the same time. A trip to the fabric store is also very inspiring. Sometimes when I find a fabric I know right away what I want to use it for.


What type of lifestyle does your business afford you? (ex. side income to buy cute clothes, enough money to go on family vacations, a full-time income.. etc.)

Running HPK affords my family to live stress free. I can’t lie, I also like to support fellow handmade shops by buying their cute clothes and accessories. When those packages come in, and on the rare occasion my husband gets the mail, I give him the solid answer that it was a “trade”.

Right…. but yes, I know exactly what you mean by many “trades.” lol I do it too!


What are the main ways you market yourself?  What areas have you found have been the most rewarding for the least amount of effort? What social media platform is your favorite and why?  What’s been your biggest success in marketing or promotion efforts?

We love free marketing on Instagram and of course mommy bloggers. It allows you to a worldwide audience from the comfort of your couch while enjoying a cup of iced coffee. I am so appreciative of fellow mamas sharing their adorable children with the world and handmade shop owners. It is like having a full time marketing staff at your disposal.

 That’s what I love about the handmade/kids clothing industry.  If you have a product moms love, marketing is way too easy.  The stuff sells itself!


What’s been your biggest “win” with HPK?

The biggest “win” Half Pint Kids has experienced is when the FW14 collection launched and it sold out within an hour. I seriously have the most amazing customers!  I can’t wait to share our SS15 line.


How do you deal with comparison, copycats and the nasty side of business?

Comparing yourself to bigger, more established shops is easy to do; however you have to remember they were in your shoes at one point. Success doesn’t happen overnight! It’s important to focus on your own business, literally. As for copycats, imitation is the best form of flattery. I am lucky that my customers know my items are priced fairly and made with the finest fabrics.

That’s exactly how I feel.  I’m not worried about copycats, because I’m confident in my product and my creativity.  If someone steals my designs, they might not be using the best fabrics or making it with as much care.


What is your ultimate vision for your business in the coming year?  If I were to ask you what total “business maturity” looks like for you, what is it?  How does that look?

I see HPK growing even more than is has in this past year! We are in the process of starting to ship worldwide and are looking at the idea of adding a seamstress to shorten our turnaround time. Business maturity to me is knowing there is always room to improve and grow. I am not going to say it’s not scary. I am horrified, but looking forward it at the same time.  I guess I am gluten for punishment.

What’s holding you back from where you are now and your end game?

I wish there was more time in a day to work on ideas that I have.

If you could give advice to yourself in your first month according to what you know now what would it be?

Don’t get frustrated and don’t beat yourself up. When I launched HPK, the first month was slow. I beat myself up daily trying to figure out why my stuff wasn’t flying off the “shelves”. I quickly realized it takes a while for people to believe in a new business, and rightfully so.

What is it that you need help with right now, and if you could get free advice that would solve your problem right now, what would it be?

I need help with time management. If I could get free advice right now I would love it. Anyone got any ideas on how to manage ones times better?


What is the #1 key thing you do to stay in the creative zone?

Playing around with fabric and testing designs. I love a good trip to the fabric store!

If you could sit down with any entrepreneur for a 2 hour lunch and pick their brain, who would it be and why?

I would love to sit down with Susan from Freshly Picked.  I feel our stories and how we got started are similar. She has mentioned how her brother helped her in the start of her business venture. (I am very fortunate that my brother gifted me a Baby Lock “evolution” serger for my birthday to kick start my children’s apparel business.) I would love to know the process in which she grew her business and how she would grow Half Pint Kids.

 What do you do to pass the time when you are up late working/sewing/making/creating?

I like to catch up on shows or sometimes my hubby comes to my workspace and keeps me company. Anything that is not Curious George or Daniel Tiger! Lord knows I am all caught up with them.

Do you have a morning ritual or routine?

My day cannot start without a cup of coffee. My daughter and I enjoy breakfast while we watch her favorite cartoons, Daniel Tiger and Curious George. We have also been known to frequent Dunkin Donuts. Let’s just say they start working on my large iced coffee as soon as they see me struggling with the door and stroller.

What do you do for fun?

I love Target, I have been known to spend several hours at a time in that store. I am always amazed at my stamina. If Target only had a gym instead of a Starbucks I would be the fittest person around.


Who are your top 3 entrepreneur inspirations?

My top 3 entrepreneurs inspirations are also “mompreneurs”.

  1. Susan “Freshly Picked”

2-   Amy “Little Hip Squeaks”

3-  Stacie “Dutchess and Lion”

What is your process for goal setting and tracking if you reach them?

I like to set goals that are attainable and every now and then I set my dream goals.  I write them all down on a chalk board in my studio. It gives me something to work towards and a driving force when you have reached your figurative “edge”.

What’s the funniest thing your kid has ever said?

We have a song that we sing with the ABC’s. Every letter is associated with an object, sometimes you will hear her singing A-A-A is for Apple, B-B-B George, C-C-C Dog and so on. It’s funny to hear her mix up the letters and words. Other than that when she first learned the word frog it sounded like another four letter “f” word.

What’s your end game for HPK?

I am extremely happy with where I currently am and the success in which I have grown! My ultimate goal for HPK is to have a small staff of seamstresses to handle production. Having the extra hands would allow me to focus on my designs. ///

Alright.  I mean, Isa is just totally cool.  To have achieved this much success in less than 1 year – amazing.  If you have questions for her – specifically about how she transitioned from small handmade creations – bows – to a full-on children’s apparel shop, leave them below and she will be sure to answer!

Please leave Isabell any questions below, and I will make sure you are connected.

If you want to check out her cute shop, click here.

And if you want to connect on instagram, follow her here.

Stay tuned for our next entrepreneur interview with Tania, owner of Goat Milk.

And if you want to make sure you never miss an interview, either enter your email address below to subscribe or click the “Bloglovin” button on the right to add i’m like brave to your feed.

Happy Sunday!

Be Brave – Hillary


Hi! I'm Hillary.
I'm an entrepreneur, mom,
wife, and creative. And I
want to create a life that
allows me the time and
freedom to adventure the
world and experience beauty
with my family.

"I'm like Brave" is about
listening to your heart and
finding the courage to create
an extraordinary life.

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